Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Introduction: Literary allusions…. and delusions of grandeur

The title of this blog is a direct reference to John Steinbeck's book 'Travels with Charlie'. This book chronicles Steinbeck's travels throughout a largely unseen - at least publicly - America. Charlie, of course is his dog who apparently was a good enough companion to warrant a place in literary history.
I'm not pretending to have the literary capabilities that Steinbeck has shown in this book. Nor do I pretend to be a dog accompanying you or anyone else through this journey. I just hope to be as good of a companion as was Charlie. And I hope you will join me in my travels.
I am currently writing this from my dorm room in Haerbin, in the Northwest part of China. I have already spent over a week in India, and nearly a week in China so there is some catching up to do.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Introduction: Literary allusions…. and delusions of grandeur

The title of this blog is a direct reference to John Steinbeck's book 'Travels with Charlie'. This book chronicles Steinbeck's travels throughout a largely unseen - at least publicly - America. Charlie, of course is his dog who apparently was a good enough companion to warrant a place in literary history.
I'm not pretending to have the literary capabilities that Steinbeck has shown in this book. Nor do I pretend to be a dog accompanying you or anyone else through this journey. I just hope to be as good of a companion as was Charlie. And I hope you will join me in my travels.
I am currently writing this from my dorm room in Haerbin, in the Northwest part of China. I have already spent over a week in India, and nearly a week in China so there is some catching up to do.

1 comment:

Becca Hartman said...

I think you're a good traveling companion! -Becca

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